wow, It's been 10 days since my last posting.
So many things to tell but I forgot. Haha
Liburan tinggal 1 bulan lagi. Semoga sisanya makin ga bosen. huhu..
Joana had gone to Manila and now I'm alone here in my house. Kinda miss her... :(
Monday January 26 was New Year in Korea. Nothing special.
I just went to Herb Hillz again with my Indonesian friends who are studying master degree here. They had plan to go to Daegu since long time ago but I don't know which place is good for them to have fun. Haha. Yah, Daegu is only the 4th biggest city in Korea. The population is high (but don't compare with Jakarta please) but I think the tourist attractions are so so. Mountain.. Mountain.. Temple.. temple.. museum.. museum.. park.. garden.. something like that.
Then Finally, on Monday morning, after I woke up because of Mas Ikhwan, Randy told me about Herb Hillz. I opened the site and I thought it's not a bad idea to go there (for the second time ^^). I saw the picture in that site showing there is something like a small ice mountain. woooooww! really wanna go there. So, I called Mas Ikhwan, I told him "Let's just go to Herb Hillz! Let's meet in downtown and take bus from there!"
After that, I prepare myself as fast as possible. After some minutes, Randy called me asking to meet in main gate of our campus. So, I went out.. *almost forgot my jacket* huahaha
We took taxi from main gate to downtown and after 5 minutes we arrived there because the traffic was not crazy.. ahaha. We waited them for around 15 minutes maybe. We met them in the underground shopping center and like usually, they took so long because they took so many pictures in every place they passed. huff... Finally, That rombongan came.. Mas Ikhwan, Mba Vita, Mas Boy, Bang Tumpal, Mas Noka, Mas Hengki, Mas Bowie, Mas Puji, Mas Haris, Mas Ragil... dan Mas2 yang lain. ahhaha. ya semua itulah yang kemaren dateng ke Daegu. I was so happy because they came here to spend their holiday. Jarang2 ada orang main ke Daegu sengaja buat jalan2 gini. :D
We went to waffle stall first because we were so hungry since we didnt have our real breakfast. haha. I got an apple jam waffle. After that, We said goodbye to Mas Boy, Bang Tumpal, and Mas Puji because they would not go with us to Herb Hillz. Mas Boy went to Mushalla Al-Amin and Bang Tumpal and Mas Puji went back to Busan. They need to prepare something for Kak Asih's Farewell Party.
We took 704 bus from Daegu Station Junction bus stop. I felt so cold when we were waiting for the bus. Ga sabar pingin liat Herb Hillz lagi setelah 2 tahun. Jadi inget jaman2 dulu waktu ke sana bareng temen2 ber10 itu waktu masih level 1 Korean Language. Erica, Joana, Juliana, Hsu, Randy, Muugii, Dorj, Eranga, Arthone..
Finally we arrived in the main gate of Herb Hillz. Surprised... the snow fell a little while we were queueing in the ticket booth. kawaii! Wow, Herb Hillz' decoration was changed in winter season. There is also Snow Sleigh. But still It's more beautiful in spring. It will be long if I tell you the detail in Herb Hillz. Hmmm. I think It's better to enjoy the pictures. hehe..

The Main Gate Spring 2007 and Winter 2009
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