Monday 30 August 2010

Long time no SHARE

Do you miss me? Haha.. I think It's been so long I didn't share about my Korean life to you. 
Well, today is my first day of Fall Semester in my junior year. I realized that in just a little time, I will be graduated from this university. Time is so fast! 

First day.. nothing special in it particularly. Hmm, maybe because it is my sixth first-day. Woke up at 10.18 am, preparing, then went to my department building, Engineering building number 2. I think I haven't taken a picture of this building. I should take picture of it before I leave this country after graduation.

Today's class were Hydraulics at 11 am, Hydrology at 1.30 pm, and Waterworks Engineering at 4 pm. Nothing important today in the class except the Professor explanation about text book, exams, grading, and subjects introduction. 다행이다 ^^ 

Finishing my class, I went back to my home for praying then went to Downtown with my new Indonesian friend, Gabriella. I call her Gabby. Cute name I think :) She wanted to have a cellphone so I was helping her to buy the number but unfortunately because of the complicated regulation for foreigners in Korea who want to buy cellphone, she couldn't have one. :( She has to wait until she receive her Alien Registration Card. 

After that, we went to a Chinese Restaurant near our campus' east gate. Paman Marbun (mr. Kim) treated us, the Indonesian in KNU. As always, He is so kind, nice, and funny. He loves us that he doesn't want us to leave Korea after graduation. Then, after long chitchat, we went back to our home.

I hope I can survive in this semester, the 6th. I hope I can follow the lectures easily, I can understand Korean more and more, I can understand all the things Professors teach me, I can reach my target. Oh, the graduation date is coming to me. Uh oh.. am I happy or sad?

Daegu, 1.41 am


Ayu Nuradi said...

aku klo jd kak mutia mgkn bkalan ngerasain hal yg sama, hhe..

mgkn senengnya krn mau lulus, tp sedihnya krn mau ninggalin korea ya kak, hha. Eh, tp kaka mau cari kerja di sana kan..

Mutia said...

iya bener banget..
klo untuk cari kerja di sini, yg ptg ntar nyoba apply.. keterima atau enggaknya ya liat nanti :D ga harus di sini kok

Anonymous said...

semangat, kak...
duhh,, sngnya yg mau lulus... :)
alwys gud lak bwt kk...

Mutia said...

makasih ya ning :)