Monday, 2 March 2009

today is the first day of my 3rd semester

sakura (벚꽃) by me :)

Yeah, Today officially im closing my winter vacation. Spring is coming but it's still too cold to be called as spring. Today I was happy. As happy when I read the message from him before I slept. :) I have three subjects today, started from 9~12 and 2~4. But because today is the first day, all of my classes finished earlier. Today's subjects were civil engineering fuid mechanics, applied mechanics, and computer programming. The lecturers are good :). in the first class, I felt something. I thank Allah for giving these all.. the opportunity to study here. Sometimes I still cant believe that im the only Indonesian girl who is studying civil engineering in this university. I still cant believe that im studying with their language. I still cant believe that I can understand what they are speaking in the class. It's really amazing for me. Thank Allah.. 
In the second class, it's good also :). The lecturer is my advisor. Mr. Park Moon Ho. Ah ya, I wanna tell you that most of my classmates is my senior and most of them are boy of course. Among of them, there are only 2 girls. From our batch, there are 10 girls and around 5 boys. Where are the other boys? hmm.. they are in military service now. For 2 years. it's a must for Korean young man to do military service, that's why they cant finish their undergraduate course within 4 years. so dont be surprised if you know that there are some 25 years old man in Korea who havent finished their undergraduate course. 

generally, Im happy today. :) Because of me, him, and you of course. 
See you ! 


Anindita said...

serius mu lo udah ngerti bahasa korea ? ckckck hebaaaaaat :D

Mutia said...

hehehe.. ya itu mau ga mau harus dit. klo enggak. ya udah tamat deh langsung kuliah di sini, deportasi haha :D

karyn said...

Cool... u really made this sakura?? love it!! :) keren muu kerenn.. soft bgt warnanya gw sukaaaa...