Sunday, 25 April 2010

Daegu Travel: Woobang Tower Land (우방타워랜드)

Spring 2007.

It is an amusement park in Daegu. I and my friends went there on April 20. It is located in Duryu-dong, Dalseo-gu. From the main gate of my campus, we took 503 bus then got off directly in front of the Woobang Land.

Inside Woobang Land there is a Tower called Woobang Tower or Daegu Tower, just like Namsan Tower in Seoul. Other things you can see are Jurassic World, Natural Ecology Park, Aquarium, Ice Rink, Skyway, and other Rides of course! :)

Operation hour differ according to the season, so you have to check the woobang land website for updates. Don't forget to check the events also there! For May 2010, it is opened from 9 am until 9 pm, except for Saturdays and Sundays until 10 pm. Entrance fees are 24,000 KRW for university students above, 22,000 KRW for junior and high school students, and 19,000 KRW for 3 years old until elementary school students.

It was my first amusement park visit in Korea and also, believe it or not,  my first Roller Coaster ride in my life. haha! Yes, I am afraid to ride roller coaster and at that time, my friends pushed me to ride that and finally I did! I thought that would be the first and last time i'll ever ride a roller coaster because I didn't feel so good when I was at the peak of it, but when I visited Tokyo Disneyland 4 months after, I rode two other roller coasters there. Haha. Great though!

Woobang tower land site:


Ikhwan said...

blognya tambah keren bangetttt..
desainnya keren, isinya informatif, foto2nya seru... liat post2 ini jadi kangen Korea banget... T.T

Mutia said...

Trimakasih banyak mas ikhwaaaan :)
klo kangen ya balik lagi ke korea dong mas. kita semua juga kangen mas ikhwan.. bener2 keilangan klo kita lg jln2 tu kya ada yg kurang.. dan selalu blg "ohiyaaaa. mas ikhwan ga adaa.." :(